When BCP Protects
BCP steps in to help during many of life’s trying times. Below is a list of situations or “life events” where BCP will assist you:
- Car accident
- You get laid off
- Maternity leave
- Get injured on the job
- You get sick
- Family sickness
What BCP Handles
When you have a life event, you really need solid financial help. BCP will pay the following bills for you up to $3000/month:
- Car payment
- Insurance (Car / Health / Life)
- Mortgage
- Phone / Cellphone bill
- Electric
- Gas
- Water / Sewage
- Internet
- Cable TV / Satellite
A Backup Plan For Just $16 per week!
Effective after 45 days, you can use your Backup Plan when one of the life events listed above occurs. BCP will pay your bills from 3 to 6 months.